Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fallout 4: First Blood

I'm currently playing Fallout 4 (fo4) and in the process ignoring all the other games that I'm playing including World of Tanks (my clan will probably kick me out. I've barely played WoT since December).

I really like fo4. If you're not familiar with Fallout 4 or the Fallout series you can read about it on Wikipedia. Basically it's a post apocalyptic single player, sandbox, RPG/FPS. Fo4 includes settlement building. Think of settlements as throwing in a bit of SIMs and Civ. Although there are haters of the fo4 I really like it. The leveling and perks system has some major flaws explained really well in a YouTube video by YOGSCAST Will. Even with this downside I'd still recommend the game. You can work around the leveling/perk system but you use up a lot of level ups for basic character buffs instead of fun perks.

Fo4 seems to adhere to the current software development process followed by most game developers (actually it's the whole software industry). This is: make it environmentally stunning with just enough functionality to make it playable, sell it even though it's just a notch above beta, use your customers as beta tester and fix the most egregious glitches when you have time and motivation (and budget I'm sure). There's no profit in bug fixing. In general Bethesda is better at following up on customer suggestions/complaints than others but even with the most recent patch, fo4 has plenty of bugs/glitches.

If you're playing on a PC you can always drop out to the console and do manual fixes (cheats) but on PS4 and Xbone you're stuck with what you've got and have to rely on Bethesda to fix the problems. I'm currently playing on the PS4 but I got the PC version (damn you Steam sales!!!. You would think I'd only have to buy it once.). I'm going to continue playing a vanilla game on the PS4 and play the PC version with all of the op/god and fun mods. I've been doing the same with fo3. Actually the settlement feature of fo4 is based on a mod developed for fo3. Adding mods to fo3 (and others) makes the game incredibly unstable so it's not advisable for a serious play through.

More rants to come...

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